
卫生方面2015年后发展议程的进展和建议 被引量:3

Progress and suggestions on health in the post-2015 development agenda
摘要 千年发展目标即将于2015年到期,2015年9月25—27日在联合国总部纽约举行的可持续发展峰会上,将通过新议程和可持续发展目标。本文总结了卫生方面千年发展目标的执行情况和不足,归纳了2015年后发展议程的磋商过程及当前可持续发展目标的基本框架,在对卫生方面可持续性发展目标和具体指标分析评论的基础上,提出了中国参与卫生方面2015年后发展议程的相关建议。 With the 2015 deadline for fast approaching the millennium development goals ( MDGs) , attention has turned to what should follow.The post-2015 development agenda is due to be adopted by the world leaders in a high-level summit which was held in New York in September 2015 .This paper summarizes the health-related MDGs progress and suggestions, describes the negotiations process on the health-related post-2015 development agenda, dis-cusses the proposed framework of the sustainable development goals and its indicators, and then provides some sug-gestions on the Chinese participation in the post-2015 development agenda as well as in the upcoming high-level sum-mit.
作者 尹慧 刘培龙
出处 《中国卫生政策研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期29-35,共7页 Chinese Journal of Health Policy
基金 中英全球卫生支持项目(OP3-01)
关键词 2015年后发展议程 可持续发展目标 全民健康覆盖 Post-2015 development agenda Sustainable Development Goals Universal Health Coverage
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