
人类胚胎基因编辑研究引发的伦理关注和规制策略 被引量:15

The Ethical Concerns and Regulation Strategies Triggered by the Research on Human Embryonic Gene Editing
摘要 中国科学家发表的有关人类胚胎基因编辑研究的成果在世界科学界引发了前所未有的伦理关注,国际科学界很快对此做出预警性反应,并通过国际会议和联合声明等形式划定相关的研究"底线",禁止用于"生殖"目的的人类胚胎基因编辑研究,探讨负责任地开展人类胚胎编辑研究的规制框架。 Chinese scientists' research on human embryo genetic editing has triggered unprecedented ethical concerns all over the world , thus the inter-national scientific community soon make a precautionary response to relevant research and draw a "bottom line" for them through forms of internationalconferences and joint statements to prohibit research on human embryonic gene editing for the purpose of "reproduction", and put forward the regulatoryframework for responsibly carrying out the research on human embryo editing.
作者 李建军 王添
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第11期114-118,共5页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
关键词 基因编辑技术 人类胚胎 伦理关注 社会规制 gene - editing technology human embryos ethical concerns social regulation
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