
反思中国城中村改造问题--英国谢菲尔德贫民窟演变的启示 被引量:4

Rethinking Issues Related to Urban Villages in China——An Inspiration from the Evolution of the Slums in Sheffield, UK
摘要 以英国谢菲尔德市为例,通过对其18—19世纪贫民窟的演变历程进行详尽分析,总结出西方发达国家在贫民窟改造方面的经验教训。在此基础上,反思我国当前城市化进程中的城中村问题,指出城中村改造需要注意:从长期规划的视角来看待城中村改造问题,着眼于拆迁还建社区的可持续发展,注重短、中、长期策略的结合,避免形成拆迁与重建不断交替的恶性循环;确保拆迁还建社区的建筑质量;倡导混合社区的发展模式。 This paper summarises important lessons on city renewal based on a case study of the evolution of the slums in Sheffield, UK, between 18 C to 19 C. Based on this case study, this paper provides a new thought on issues related to urban villages in China's urbanization process,and indicates that there are three important issues that need to be taken into account in the renewal of urban villages. First, it is important to explore issues arising in the renewal process from an integrated perspective and give priority to sustainable development of the reallocated communities. It is expected that the integrative implementation of short-term, medium-term and long-term actions would help avoid the vicious circle of demolition and rebuild. Second, it is important to ensure the high quality of the reallocated communities. Third, the reallocated communities should be designed towards a mixed development pattern.
出处 《西部人居环境学刊》 2016年第5期63-67,共5页 Journal of Human Settlements in West China
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(51438005)
关键词 城中村 城市化进程 贫民窟 清拆 Urban Village Urbanization Slum Demolition
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