
从阿兹特克末代皇帝到现代墨西哥民族象征——夸乌特莫克形象的历史变迁 被引量:1

Cuauhtémoc——From the Last Aztecan Emperor to the Modern Mexican National Symbol
摘要 阿兹特克帝国的末代皇帝夸乌特莫克被誉为"墨西哥历史英雄榜第一人",他的形象既明确地代表了墨西哥的民族文化和历史,又模糊多元。从爱国者到叛乱者、从文化象征到进步障碍,他的形象在不同时代、不同阶层、不同政治派别、不同社会和民族阶层代表眼里,有着不同的诠释和象征意义。应从拉丁美洲民族主义兴起的视角并结合具体史实,来观察和分析这一独特的文化现象。墨西哥的民族意识虽然在国内得到了广泛传播,但实际上从建国之初各个社会族群和政治派别对于民族观的认识就存在着难以弥合的差异。正是在这样的背景下,墨西哥人树立夸乌特莫克作为国家和民族的形象,其背后隐藏着现实的政治和利益的驱动力,不同的党派、阶层和持有某种民族主义意识的族群都带着强烈的目的性——利用夸乌特莫克历史形象的象征意义来表达自己的意识和诉求。 The image of Cuauhtémoc,"the greatest hero in Mexican history",can be confusing.The last Aztecan emperor and Indian hero evidently epitomize the Mexican national culture and history.However,the symbolic meanings and the interpretations of his image vary considerably amongst Mexicans,from a patriot to a traitor,from the symbol of a nation to the obstructer of modernization,due to the different perspectives of diverse political parties,social classes and national groups of different eras.Taking a viewpoint of Latin-American nationalism,this paper observes and analyses this unique cultural phenomenon,then the conclusion is drawn:despite of the nationally widespread Mexican national consciousness, irreparable discrepancies amongst the nations and political parties have been still existed since the very beginning of the liberation of Mexico.A practical political and interest motive can be clearly addressed behind the national symbolic mean-ing of Cuauhtémoc,which has been utilized in a very conscious and purposive manner by different political parties,social classes and national groups who embrace a certain national ideologies.
作者 肖隽逸 XIAO Juan-yi(School of Foreign Languages, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing 401331, China)
出处 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第5期32-38,共7页 Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 墨西哥 夸乌特莫克 阿兹特克帝国 Mexico Cuauhtémoc The Aztecan Empire
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  • 1Fernando L. Orozco: Grandes Personajes de Mxico: Hombres de la Epoca Prehispanica, la Conquista, el Virreinato, la Inde- pendencia, la Republica y la Revolucion, Panorama Mexico,1980 p. 34. 被引量:1
  • 2Jim Tuck. Cuauht6moc. Winner in Defeat (1495-- 1525), ht- tp ://www. mexconnect, com/articles/260 -- cuauhtemoc -- win-ner-- in-- defeat-- 1495 -- 1525, 2008. 被引量:1
  • 3Bradley Smith: Mexico: A History in Art, Gemini--Smith, 1968, p. 167. 被引量:1
  • 4Bradley Smith: Mexico: A History in Art, Gemini--Smith, 1968, pp. 166--167. 被引量:1
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  • 7Christopher Fulton, Cuauhtmoc Awakened, Estudios de Historia, Moderna y Contempordnea de Mxieo,2008, No. 35, p. 10. 被引量:1
  • 8Ray Telles, The Storm that Swept Mexico (the docu- mentary), PBS USA, 2011. 被引量:1
  • 9Christopher Fulton, Cuauhtmoc Awakened, Estudios de Historia, Moderna y Contempordnea de Mxieo,2008, No. 35, p. 12-13. 被引量:1
  • 10Christopher Fulton, Cuauhtmoc Awakened, Estudios de Historia, Moderna y Contempordnea de Mxieo,2008, No. 35, p. 23. 被引量:1











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