Objective: To analyze the content difference of aconitine and 3-Acetyla conitine in FuMao TieBangChui (aconiturn flavum Hand.-Mazz) in different areas of Gansu Province. Methods: High performance liquid chromatography was used on Gemini-Nx-C18 (5 Ixm, 4.6 mm×250 mm) chromatographic column with acetonitrile, 0.2% ammonium bicarbonate solution (55:45) as mobile phase at the detection wavelength of 230 nm with the flow rate of 1.0 mL/min and the column temperature was 25℃. Results: Linearity range of aconitine was 19.20-57.55 ixg/mL while average recovery was 101.30%(RSD=2.34%); Linearity range of 3-Acetyla conitine was 4.8-50 μg/mL while average recovery was 100.67%(RSD=0.77%). Conclusion: The method is fast and handy while the result is accurate and reliable. It can be used in the determination of content and variation analysis on aconitine and 3-Acetyla conitine in FuMao TieBangChui.
Western Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine