AIM:To analyze the 34 cases of patients with diagnosis of lacrimal duct disease, to explore the cause and clinical characteristics of lacrimal duct inflammation, and to study the common misdiagnosis to improve the diagnosis rate, to provide clinical experience for medical workers. METHODS: A total of 34 eyes of 34 patients were selected from 2011-06 to 2015-06 to our hospital for lacrimal duct incision. Clinical data of patients including age and gender distribution, eye and lesion location, duration, canaliculitis clinical symptoms and previous misdiagnosis were collected. The operation of lacrimal duct was carried out, and the secretion of lacrimal secretion was checked. RESULTS:Patients over the age of 40 accounted for 77%of the population, men accounted for 23. 5%, women accounted for 76. 5%. Left eye in 15 cases, right eye in 19 cases, and were monocular onset, 26 cases ( 76%) of patients with lower lacrimal duct inflammation. Clinical symptoms: increased secretion, canthal conjunctival congestion, swelling, lesion location around the lacrimalpuncta swelling and tenderness, slightly raised, epiphora, foreign body sensation. The culture results Showed 34 cases of discharge inspection. A total of 20 cases were fungal growth, 6 cases of bacterial growth rate were 59%, 18%, and 8 cases were not detected, 10 cases of lacrimal duct stone were found by pathological examination. There were 3 cases of Aspergillus, 5 cases of Candida, 2 cases of actinomycetes, 4 cases found in Gram staining microscope. Misdiagnosis of canaliculitis for other eye diseases, including 12 cases of chronic dacryocystitis, 8 cases of chronic conjunctivitis, 6 cases of acute conjunctivitis, stye in 4 cases, the misdiagnosis rate reached 88%. CONCLUSION:In the middle and old aged people, the lacrimal duct is more than that of the male. The main pathogenic bacteria causing lacrimal duct infection may be fungi, which can be treated with anti-fungal drugs. For the removal of the lacrimal duct stone, we should distinguish the typ
International Eye Science
Lacrimal duct inflammation
clinical features
common misdiagnosis