
面向数字人文的图书馆科研支持服务研究 被引量:34

The Study of the Scientific Research Support Service of Library Oriented to Digital Humanities
摘要 数字人文是人文科学与数字技术深度融合的产物,大学图书馆支持数字人文研究与实践是拓展服务边界的有益尝试,也是服务创新的理性选择。本文在解读数字人文概念的基础上,分析图书馆支持数字人文的内在逻辑,提出相应的科研支持服务体系。面向数字人文的图书馆科研支持服务内容主要包括以下方面:科研咨询与导航、资源获取与推送、科研数据管理、科研支持工具、研究共享空间、学术传播与出版、科研影响力评价以及科研人员教育。为提升服务质量,图书馆应当加强团队建设,优化服务平台并完善服务反馈与评价机制。 Digital humanities is the product of integration between humanities science and digital technology. The university library provides support for digital humanities research is the dfeetive attempt of expanding service border and the rational choice of service innovation. On the basis of introdu- cing the concept of digital humanities, this paper analyses the inner logic of the support of library for digital humanities. The studies suggest that library research support services facing the digital humanities includes the following aspects: research consultation and navigation, resource acquisition and pushing, research data management, research support tools, research commons, academic dissemination and publishing, scientific evaluation and re- searcher training. In order to guarantee the quality of research support service, library should take the following strategies: strengthening team build- ing, optimizing service platform, improving service feedback and evaluation mechanism.
作者 赖永忠
出处 《图书馆工作与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第10期28-32,共5页 Library Work and Study
关键词 数字人文 图书馆服务 科研支持 大学图书馆 科研服务 Digital humanities Library service Research support University library Research service
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