目的探讨CT、MRI对喉癌侵及范围及治疗方案选择的价值。方法分析35例喉癌患者平扫及强化CT、M RI显示声门上区、声门下区、声带、前联合、甲状软骨、声门旁间隙、杓状软骨肿瘤原发或侵及部位及颈部淋巴结转移情况,并与喉镜及手术病理结果对照。结果 MRI平扫及强化显示声门上区、声门下区、声带、前联合、甲状软骨、声门旁间隙、杓状软骨病变及颈部淋巴结转移数多于CT,但无统计学差异,MRI平扫及强化敏感性一致,均高于CT平扫及强化,CT强化敏感性高于CT平扫;平扫及强化MRI、CT特异性、阳性预测值基本一致;MRI平扫、强化及CT强化Kappa值基本一致,均高于CT平扫;MRI平扫及强化阴性预测值一致,均高于CT平扫及强化,CT平扫及强化阴性预测值基本一致。结论 MRI对喉癌侵及范围及治疗方案选择较CT能够提供更多信息。
Objective To explore the value of CT and MRI on the invasive range and treatment options of laryngeal cancel. Methods Results of neck CT and MRI of 35 patients with laryngeal cancel were analyzed. Tumor lesions of infraglottic region,subglottic region,vocal cord,anterior commissure,thyroid cartilage,paraglottic space,arytenoid cartilage and cervical lymph node metastasis were compared with results of laryngoscope and surgical pathology.Results More lesions of the infraglottic region,subglottic region,vocal cord,anterior commissure,thyroid cartilage,paraglottic space,arytenoid cartilage and cervical lymph node metastasis were displayed on MRI than CT,but there were no statistical differences. The sensitivity of plain and contrast enhanced MRI were similar,and more than that of plain and contrast enhanced CT. The sensitivity of contrast enhancement CT was more than that of plain CT. Specific and positive predictive value of plain and enhanced MRI and CT were almost the same. Kappa value of plain and contrast enhanced MRI and contrast enhanced CT were similar,but more than that of plain CT. Negative predictive value of plain and enhanced MRI were the same,but more than that of plain and contrast enhanced CT. The negative predictive value of plain and enhanced CT were almost the same. Conclusion MRI can provide more information than CT for tumor invasive range and treatment options of laryngeal cancel.
Journal of Shandong University:Health Sciences
Laryngeal Cancer
Computed Tomography
Magnetic Resonance Imaging