
Ca在铝合金中的作用 被引量:2

The Effect of Calcium Element in Aluminum Alloys
摘要 Ca在铝合金中的作用具有两面性,一方面表现出抑制P变质、降低流动性、增加氧化物夹杂等有害作用,另一方面体现出改善Al-Si合金中β-Fe相形态、细化初晶硅、变质共晶硅等有益影响。首先综述了Ca对铝合金显微组织、铸造性能、变质作用等的影响;其次系统归纳了Ca与Si、Fe、P、Sr、Cu等元素的二元交互作用规律,其中Ca-Si、Ca-Fe、Ca-Sr、Ca-Cu等元素二元交互均表现出协同作用,而Ca-P的抑制作用可以通过添加B或C2Cl6来消除;最后,开发含Ca的二元、多元联合变质剂,深化Ca对铝合金微合金化作用机理以及再生循环过程中Ca对其他元素的影响等都是今后重点研究的思路与方向。 The role of calcium in the aluminum alloy has two sides. Inhibiting phosphorus deterioration, redu- cing the mobility and increasing oxide inclusions are reported as the harmful effects of Ca in aluminum alloys. Mean- while, Ca are also beneficial for improving the α-Fe phase morphology of A1-Si alloys, refining primary silicon and modifying eutectic silicon. The effect of calcium on the microstructure, heat treatment performance and metamorphism of aluminum alloy are reviewed. Binary interaction of calcium with other elements including Si, Fe, P, Sr and Cu is summarized. Synergistic reaction is presented in Ca-Si, Ca-Fe, Ca-Sr and Ca-Cu. Toxicity reaction is performed in Ca and P, which can be eliminated by adding B and C2Cl6. The future research trends including development of binary and multi-joint modifier, exploration of the mechanism of aluminum with Ca addition and effect of Ca on other ele- ments during aluminum cycling are also proposed.
作者 张佳虹 邢书明 ZHANG Jiahong XING Shuming(School of Mechanical and Electronic Control Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044)
出处 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第19期26-31,共6页 Materials Reports
基金 国家国际科技合作专项(2014DFA53050)
关键词 Ca铝合金 显微组织 微合金化 性能 calcium, aluminum alloy, microstructure, microalloy, property
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