6Ontario Teachers' Federation.We the teachers of Ontario[EB/OL]. ( 2011-9-19 ) [ 2012- 09-25 ]. http://www, otffeo, on. c a/englis h/about_ wetheteachers.php. 被引量:1
7Ontario College of Teachers.Foundations of Professional Prac- tice (Revised2010) [EB/OL]. (2010-9-10) [2012-09-25].http : //www .oct. ca/standards/foundations .aspx. 被引量:1
8Toronto District School Board.Code of Conduct[EB/OL].(2005-6-25) [2012-09-25].http://www.tdsb.on.ca/ppf/detail.aspx?from=allDocs. aspx&id=206. 被引量:1
9Toronto District School Board.Accountability for Student Achieve- ment[EB/OL]. ( 1998-8-26 )[2012-09-25].http://www.tdsb.on.ca / ppf/Detail.aspx?id=202. 被引量:1
10Toronto District School Board.Dealing With Abuse and Neglect of Students[EB/OL].( 1999-10-27)[2012-09-25].http://www.tdsb. on.ca/ppf/Detail.aspx?id=207. 被引量:1