
盐碱化枸杞园中土壤节肢动物垂直分布与土壤因子的关系 被引量:3

The relationship between the vertical distribution of soil arthropod and soil factors in saline-alkali Lycium barbarum plantation
摘要 为了研究枸杞盐碱地土壤节肢动物与土壤因子的关系,采用野外调查和实验室检测相结合的方法,对宁夏银北6种不同改良措施枸杞盐碱地的土壤全氮、速效磷、速效钾、有机质、p H、全盐和碱化度值以及土壤节肢动物类群丰富度、密度、多样性、均匀度等进行比较研究.共获得3 536头,31个土壤节肢动物类群,隶属于4纲9目26科.土壤节肢动物群落的优势类群为莓螨科,其个体数占群落个体总数的80.37%;奥甲螨科、棘跳科和等节跳科为常见类群,其个体数分别占群落个体总数的5.2%、9.3%和1.56%;稀有类群有13个,其个体数占群落个体总数的2.94%;极稀有类群有13个,其个体数占群落个体总数的0.63%.土壤节肢动物类群丰富度和密度的垂直分布均表现明显的表聚现象.不同改良措施样地的土壤速效磷、有机质、pH和碱化度差异显著.冗余分析表明,全盐、碱化度、有机质对土壤节肢动物群落分布影响最大,不同土层影响土壤节肢动物垂直分布的关键土壤因子存在差异. In order to study the relationships between soil factors and soil arthropod in saline-alkali land of Lycium bar- barum, the article carried out a comparative study of 6 types of improved saline-alkali lands of Lycium barbarum in Northern Yinchuan of Ningxia by combining field investigation and laboratory detection. Total nitrogen, available P, avail- able K, organic matter, pH, total salt and exchangeable sodium percentage of the saline-alkali land were determined. The richness, density, diversity and evenness of soil arthropod were researched. A total of 3 536 individuals were collected, be- longing to 31 soil arthropod groups, 4 classes, 9 orders and 26 families. Rhagidiidae was dominant group of soil arthropod community, accounting for 80.37%. Oppiidae, Onychiuridae and Isotomidae were common groups, accounting for 5.2%, 9.3% and 1.56%. 13 groups were rare groups, accounting for 2.94%. 13 groups were extremely rare groups, accounting for 0.63%. The vertical distribution of richness and density of soil arthropod group showed obvious surface aggregation phe- nomenon. Available P, organic matter, pH and exchangeable sodium percentage of different improved saline-alkali lands in- dicated significant difference. Redundancy analysis showed that total salt, exchangeable sodium percentage, organic matter of soil exerted the most influence over community distribution of soil arthropod. The key soil factors influencing the vertical distribution of soil arthropod in different soil layers were different.
出处 《农业科学研究》 2016年第3期11-17,21,共8页 Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 宁夏自然科学基金项目(NZ13023)
关键词 盐碱地 土壤节肢动物 多样性 垂直分布 土壤因子 saline-alkali soil soil arthropod diversity vertical distribution soil factors
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