目的:观察非瓣膜性心房颤动( NVAF)患者服用达比加群酯后凝血指标的变化,探索用于监测达比加群酯抗凝强度的合适指标。方法自2014年2月至2015年5月在山西医科大学附属大医院住院的34例NVAF患者,其中男23例,女11例,年龄52~81(67.8±8.0)岁,给予达比加群酯110 mg/次,每日2次口服。观察临床症状、体征,监测服药前、服药1、4周及3个月时的凝血指标凝血酶原时间( PT)、活化部分凝血活酶时间( APTT)、血浆凝血酶时间( TT)、国际标准化比值( INR)、凝血酶原活动度( PTA)、纤维蛋白原( FIB)、抗凝血酶原Ⅲ活性( AT3)及D-二聚体。结果①患者服药后INR、PTA、FIB、AT3活性、D-二聚体值差异无统计学意义( P>0.05);②患者服药前与服药1周[ PT (10.9±0.7) s对(11.3±0.6) s,P=0.030、APTT(31.1±2.5) s对(39.3±3.0) s,P=0.024;TT(13.7±0.7) s对(134.6±8.2) s,P=0.001],4周[PT(10.9±0.7) s对(11.6±0.6) s,P=0.023;APTT(31.1±2.5) s对(44.9±4.5) s,P=0.002、TT(13.7±0.7) s对(152.3±9.1) s,P=0.001],3个月[PT(10.9±0.7) s对(12.3±0.6) s,P=0.012、APTT(31.1±2.5) s对(52.4±5.0) s,P=0.001;TT(13.7±0.7) s对(161.9±7.8) s,P=0.001],差异均有统计学意义;结论①NVAF患者服用达比加群酯抗凝治疗时,抗凝强度监测指标推荐应用APTT值;②服药后APTT应控制在对照值2倍以内。
Objective To evaluate the suitable indexes of dabigatran etexilate anticoagulation inten-sity in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation(NVAF).Methods Thirty-four NVAF patients taking dabigatran etexilate(110 mg,bid)were enrolled [age,52~81(67.8±8.0)years;male,67.6%]from Feb. 2014 to May 2015.Clinical symptoms and signs were recorded and coagulation indexes [ prothrombin time ( PT ) , activated partial thromboplastin time ( APTT ) , thrombin time ( TT ) , international nomalized ratio (INR),prothrombin activity(PTA),fibrous protein(FIB),antithrombin Ⅲ(AT3)activity,D-dimer]were measuredbeforetakingdabigatranetexilateandafter1,4weeksand3months.Results ①Therewereno significant changes in INR,FIB,PTA,AT3 activity and D-dimer between pre and post treatment(P>0.05).②Before and after treatment 1 weeks[PT(10.9±0.7) s vs.(11.3±0.6) s,P=0.030;APTT(31.1±2.5) s vs.(39.3±3.0) s,P=0.024;TT(13.7±0.7) s vs.(134.6±8.2) s,P=0.001],4 weeks[PT(10.9±0.7) s vs.(11.6±0.6) s,P=0.023;APTT(31.1±2.5) s vs.(44.9±4.5) s,P=0.002;TT(13.7±0.7) s vs. (152.3±9.1) s,P=0.001],3 months[PT(10.9±0.7) s vs.(12.3±0.6) s,P=0.012;APTT(31.1±2.5) s vs.(52.4±5.0) s,P=0.001;TT(13.7±0.7) s vs.(161.9±7.8) s,P=0.001],the differences were statisti-cally significant .③No events of the embolism or big bleeding occurred in the patients after taking the drugs ,and there were slight bleeding in 5 cases with significantly extended PT ,APTT,TT,and more than 2 times of APTT compared with the normal reference value .④PT,APTT,TT growth rate showed that the area of APTT growth rate under the curve was the largest(ROC area:PT growth rate was 0.741,APTT 0.914,TT 0.891)and the bestcut-offpointofAPTTgrowthratewas101.39%.Conclusion ①ThelevelofAPTTmaybeareliablein-dex for monitoring anticoagulation intensity during NVAF patients taking dabigatran etexilate .②The level of APTT should be controlled within 2 times of t
Chinese Journal of Cardiac Arrhythmias
Dabigatran etexilate
Non-valvular atrial fibrillation
Anticoagulant therapy