以个人便携式数控机床(PPCNC)为运动平台建立的三坐标测量系统中需要对测量后的坐标点进行数据处理,求出被测物体的几何尺寸。以球为例,介绍最小二乘法这一种数据处理方法,即利用最小二乘法对测量后数据进行数据处理,拟合曲线,计算代表所测几何元素的特征参数;同时在Visual Basic环境下进行窗口设计、编写相应的VB代码,实现基于最小二乘法的数据处理,并生成一个便捷的数据处理exe文件,便于直观地得到特征参数。从而相应地应用到其它被测元素的数据处理上。
Coordinate points need date processing, which is a part of the three coordinate system built on personal portable CNC (PPCNC) and is to get the geometrical dimensions of the object being measured. With the ball as an example, it introduces a date processing method used in three coordinate system, namely, the use of the least square method for date processing to curve fitting to calculate the characteristic parameters of the geometric elements. And, the process of date processing and curve fitting with the least square method was conducted in the environment of visual basic. It describes the design of window and the main idea of writing vb code to create a convenient date processing exe file and to get the characteristic elements. This date processing method can be applied to other elements that are being measured.
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