The Guide of Science & Education (Electronic Edition)
1D.M. Shila, Y.Chang, and T.Anjali.Channel-Aware Detection of Gray Hole Attacks in Wireless Mesh Networks[C].The Proceedings of IEEE Globeeom, 2009:1-6. 被引量:1
2Ping Yi,Yichuan Jiang,Yiping Zhong,et al.Distributed Intrusion Detection for Mobile Ad HocNetworks[J].Applications and the Internet Workshops,2006,33 (5):94-97. 被引量:1
3Cretu G.F.,Parekh J.J., Ke Wang,et al.Intrusion and anomaly detection model exchange for mobile ad-hoc networks [C]. Consumer Communications and Networking Conference,Las Vegas:2006,12(1):635-639. 被引量:1
4傅蓉蓉,郑康锋,芦天亮,杨义先.基于危险理论的无线传感器网络入侵检测模型[J].通信学报,2012,33(9):31-37. 被引量:12
5简刚,韩国栋,马钊坤,周玉瀚.基于参数的层次化Mesh互连片上网络结构[J].计算机应用研究,2016,33(6):1857-1861. 被引量:2
1易平,吴越,陈佳霖.Towards an Artificial Immune System for Detecting Anomalies in Wireless Mesh Networks[J].China Communications,2011,8(3):107-117. 被引量:3
2KIM J, BENTLEY E AICKELIN U, et al. Immune system approaches to intrusion detection-a review[J]. Natural Computing, 2007, 6(4): 413-466. 被引量:1
3Annual MATZINGER P. Tolerance, danger and the extended family[J]. Review Immunology, 1994, 12: 991-1045. 被引量:1
4WU S X, BANZHAF W. The use of computational intelligence in intrusion detection systems: a review[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2010, 10(1):1-35. 被引量:1
5AICKELIN U, BENTLEY P, CAYZER S, et al. Danger theory: the link between AIS and IDS[A]. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems[C]. Edinburgh, UK, 2003. 147-155. 被引量:1
6KIM J, BENTLEY P, WALLENTA C, et al. Danger is ubiquitous: detecting malicious activities in sensor networks using the dendritic cell algorithm[A]. Proceedings of the International Conference on Ar- tificial Immune Systems[C]. Cambridge, UK, 2006.390-403. 被引量:1
7DROZDA M, SCHAUST S, SZCZERBICKA H. AIS for misbehavior detection in wireless sensor networks: performance and design princi- ples[A]. Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computa- tion, Special Session on Recent Developments in Artificial Immune Systems[C]. Singapore, 2007. 3719-3726. 被引量:1
8DROZDA M, SCHAUST S, SCHILDT S, et al. Priming: making the reaction to intrusion or fault predictable[J]. Natural Computing, 2011, 10(1):243-274. 被引量:1
9DROZDA M, SCHILDT S, SCHAUST S, et al. An immuno-inspired approach to misbehavior detection in ad hoc wireless networks[EB/OL].http://arxiv, org/abs/lO01. 3113, 2010. 被引量:1
10MARTI S, GIULI T, LAI K, et al. Mitigating routing misbehavior in mobile ad hoc networks[A]. Proceedings of the International Confer- ence on Mobile Computing and Networking[C]. Massachusetts, USA, 2000. 255-265. 被引量:1
1席亮,张凤斌.基于免疫机制的入侵检测研究现状与展望[J].哈尔滨理工大学学报,2014,19(2):45-50. 被引量:1
2李致远,朱求志,吴永焜,唐振宇,胡华明.基于小波分析的无线传感网实时异常检测算法[J].南京师大学报(自然科学版),2014,37(1):87-92. 被引量:3
3郭赛球,郭梦鸥.一种改进的无线传感器网络入侵检测算法[J].计算机工程,2014,40(7):53-57. 被引量:4
4黄干,刘涛.基于危险理论的无线传感器网络入侵检测的一种新模型[J].井冈山大学学报(自然科学版),2015,36(2):42-47. 被引量:1
5杨斌,陆余良,杨国正,樊甫华.人工免疫理论在异常检测中的应用进展[J].计算机应用研究,2016,33(4):961-966. 被引量:5
6杨忠明,梁本来,秦勇,蔡昭权.基于目标预判的网络入侵检测频率自调整算法[J].计算机应用,2016,36(9):2438-2441. 被引量:12
7张凤斌,杨秋杰,席亮.WSNs入侵检测中实值否定选择算法研究[J].计算机工程与科学,2016,38(9):1818-1822. 被引量:2
9赵悦品.基于模式识别的大规模光纤通信网络安全分析模型[J].内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版),2016,45(4):497-499. 被引量:4
10宋焱宏.探讨计算机网络入侵检测应用免疫机制的效果[J].电脑知识与技术,2015,11(7X):40-42. 被引量:4
2秦艳琳,吴晓平,王甲生.一种针对无线mesh网混合簇结构的信任模型[J].海军工程大学学报,2013,25(4):30-35. 被引量:1
3凌权,李枚毅.无线Mesh网络中骨干节点部署算法研究[J].计算机工程,2015,41(11):147-152. 被引量:2
5张志超,鄢楚平,苑海涛,张钧媛,计龙,张立茹.基于双收发信机的无线Mesh网络[J].计算机与现代化,2013(11):119-123. 被引量:1
7覃国蓉,何涛.REST在异构移动客户端接入中的应用研究[J].计算机应用与软件,2015,32(4):77-79. 被引量:8
8吴文甲,杨明,罗军舟.无线Mesh网络中满足带宽需求的路由器部署方法[J].计算机学报,2014,37(2):344-355. 被引量:17
10沈华.基于混合架构无线Mesh网的多路径路由协议[J].武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版),2011,33(6):913-916. 被引量:1