The body is the ego, the person, and the cognitive and practical subject, so the body also is the thought and the all of the world. No one's body, the whole universe will be meaninglesso The human body formed with evolution in billions of years, its immanent aim is to reverse feelings, experiencing, descripting, speaking and endowing the meaning to the creator. So that the body doesn 't need to reflecting, and can control everything, percept objects with a direct way, become the source of truth, the center of the cognition, and make the world become a great body by the embody function. So for now, we have to raise the body to the subject position, care for the body, cultivate the body and mind. To unite the all of humankind opposes to disdain and persecute the body. To achieve this purpose, to promote sports can effectively maintain peace, put an end to the war, establish the harmonious humankind, can also exercise the body thinking, curb mental deterioration, avoid humankind metamorphosis into the low--energy machine.
Sports & Science