As various types of commercial enterprises continued to pour into the fresh agricultural products , market homogenization of enterprises increasing ,the research on influencing factors of consumer online shop‐ping for fresh agricultural products was helpful to fresh business market segmentation .The consumers'personal characteristics were explored ,such as age ,income ,education level ,adequate leisure time ,internet time length , and from farmers markets or supermarkets distance and other factors on consumer single online shopping for fresh agricultural products cost and frequency of influence .The results showed that the choice of whether con‐sumer income ,education level and the ample of time significantly influenced consumer online shopping fresh ;the amount of consumption of consumer income ,education level had a significant effect on each net purchase fresh agricultural products ;income and ample of time frequency of consumer online shopping for fresh agricul‐tural products had significant influence .Therefore ,it suggested that fresh electricity suppliers in the market when the target customers could be positioned as high education and high income people to improve the timeli‐ness of home delivery and to expand the coverage rate of self -help delivery points .
Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences