
大学生对即时通讯软件使用行为的影响因素研究 被引量:5

Research on the influencing factors of the instant messaging software use behavior of College Students
摘要 随着移动互联网的发展,移动即时通讯软件也得到了迅速的推广,尤其在大学生群体中使用广泛,但目前缺乏对其使用行为影响要素全面系统的研究。本文以大学生为调查群体,UTAUT2模型为基础,结合社会影响理论,提出研究假设和理论模型,采用问卷调查的方式收集数据,运用结构方程方法得出了大学生即时通讯软件使用行为的影响要素,包括绩效期望,便利条件,价格价值,习惯和社会影响,其中团队规范在社会影响要素中最为重要。这些成果对于即时通讯软件的后续运营和发展具有一定的借鉴意义。 With the development of mobile Intemet, mobileinstant messaging software has been widely used,especiallyin college students, but there is still a problem of lackingcomprehensive and systematic research on the influencingfactors of instant messaging software using behavior.Firstly,based on the UTAUT2 model and taking college studentsas research group, this paper puts forward the researchhypothesis and theoretical model combined with the socialinfluence theory.Secondly, this paper uses questionnaire tocollect data. Finally, this paper analyses data using the methodof structural equation and obtains the influencing factors ofinstant messaging software using behavior. The factors includeperformance expectancy, facilitating conditions, price value,habit and social influence in which group norms are mostimportant.These results have certain reference significance forthe follow-up operation and development of instant messagingsoftware.
作者 张敏 林盛
出处 《上海管理科学》 2016年第4期66-70,共5页 Shanghai Management Science
关键词 UTAUT2模型 即时通讯软件 使用行为 影响因素 UTAUT2 model instant messagingsoftware using behavior influencing factors
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