【目的】滴灌是新疆广泛应用的高效节水灌溉方式。研究滴灌施肥方式与施肥水平对枣树产量品质及养分利用的影响,为新疆南疆地区枣园水肥高效利用提供依据。【方法】以8年生灰枣为试材,在滴灌条件下,设置3个施肥方式(挖沟撒施肥料、滴灌随水施肥、滴灌随水施N肥挖沟撒施PK肥)、5个施肥量水平15个处理,连续3年田间定位试验,监测枣树产量、品质和营养状况,分析滴灌下施肥方式与施肥量水平对枣树产量、品质及营养状况的影响。【结果】挖沟撒施肥方式下,施N 650 g/株、施P2O5650 g/株、施K2O 375 g/株时,枣树产量最高,三年平均产量11.21 g/株,肥料养分生产率为6.38 kg/kg;滴灌随水施肥方式下,施N 520g/株、施P2O5520 g/株、施K2O 300 g/株时,枣树产量最高,三年平均产量10.49 g/株,肥料养分生产率为7.37kg/kg;滴灌随水施N肥挖沟撒施PK肥方式下,施N 520 g/株、施P2O5520 g/株、施K2O 300 g/株时,枣树产量最高,三年平均产量11.34 kg/株,肥料养分生产率为7.97 kg/kg;随着施肥量的增加枣果的裂果率也随之增加,但不同施肥方式下枣果的裂果率对施肥量的敏感性不同,挖沟撒施肥方式下枣果裂果率对施肥量的敏感性最强,滴灌随水施N肥挖沟撒施PK肥方式次之,滴灌随水施肥方式最小;在高产施肥量下,滴灌随水施肥方式的枣果裂果率最低为7.72%,滴灌随水施N肥挖沟撒施PK肥方式的枣果裂果率次之为13.75%,挖沟撒施肥方式的枣果裂果率最高为17.18%;叶片中矿质元素含量对施肥量的反应较强,而果实中矿质元素含量对施肥量的反应则较弱;NPK肥料用量变化,不影响果实中Ca、Mg含量水平;滴灌随水施肥方式叶片P、K含量显著高于挖沟撒施肥料和滴灌随水施N肥挖沟撒施PK肥两种施肥方式,三种施肥方式的叶片N含量、果实N、P、K、Ca、Mg含量没有显著性差异。【结论】滴灌随水施肥方式节水、节肥、�
[ Objective ] Technology of drip irrigation is an effective technique for water saving irrigation in Xinjiang. Under the condition of drip irrigation, how jujube fertilizer operations management is the key tech- nology to realize the jujube area for high yield and good quality and efficient utilization of water and fertilizer resources, as well as realistic problem to be solved urgently in the area of Chinese jujube production. Studying influence of fertilization modes and fertilization levels under drip irrigation on fruit yield, quality and nutrient use of Chinese Jujube can provide the basis for the efficient use of water and fertilizer in the Southern Xin- jiang. [ Method]8 - years -old Huizao trees as test material, three years consecutive field location test as three fertilization modes (trenching fertilization, fertigation, N with fertigation P K with ditch) and five fertil- izer levels was setted under drip irrigation condition, the jujube yield, quality and nutritional status were moni- tored. These methods were used to explore the effects of fertilization modes and fertilization levels under drip irrigation on fruit yield, quality and nutritional status of Chinese Jujube. [ Result] Under trenching spread fer- tilizer , N fertilizer 650 g/tree, PzO5 fertilizer 650 g/tree and K20 fertilizer 375 g/tree, jujube yield is the highest with three years the average yield of 11.21 g/tree, productivity of fertilizer nutrient is 6.38 kg / kg. Under fertigation, N fertilizer 520 g/tree, P205 fertilizer 520 g/tree and K20 fertilizer 300 g/tree, jujube yield is the highest with three years the average yield of 10.49 g/tree, productivity of fertilizer nutrient is 7.37 kg / kg. Under N with fertigation P K with ditch, N fertilizer 520 g/tree, P2O5 fertilizer 520 g/tree and KzO fertilizer 300 g/tree, jujube yield is the highest with three years the average yield of 11.34 g/tree, productivi- ty of fertilizer nutrient is 7.97 kg / kg. Jujube fruit cracking rate also increases with the increasing of the a- mount of fert
Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences
Chinese Jujube
drip irrigation
fertilization modes
fruit yield and quality