Massive open online courses attract huge amounts of learners to participate in the courses. Learners discuss content of courses and share resources on the discussion forum. There is a large scale of learners who participate in courses, and the interaction between learners is more complex. To analyze the frequency and structure of learners’ interaction on MOOC discussion forum, there will find out whether the learners triggered massive interaction, or improved the effect of interaction. In order to analyze the level of learning interaction of MOOC courses, the paper used content analysis and social network analysis to study the case which was select-ed from Coursera platform, and found that a large number of people involved in courses interaction on MOOC. Learners pay more attention to share and analyze interactive contents. Part of learners can achieve deep inter-action, but most of learners have a superficial level of interaction. The principle roles of Learners are stronger than the teachers. Teachers need to strengthen their function of guiding learners who are on the edge location and attract learners to participate in the interaction.
Modern Education Science