
从古代丝绸之路的产生到当代丝绸之路经济带的构建——亚欧大陆共同发展繁荣和复兴之路 被引量:3

From Emergence of the Silk Road to the Construction of Contemporary Economic Belt——the Road to Mutual Prosperity and Revival of Eurasia
摘要 丝绸之路的开发和形成,是在长达数千年的历史中,由小范围到大范围,由低层次到高层次逐步实现的。亚洲西部,即西亚、南亚、中亚路线的开发、开拓,是其滥觞期。欧洲段的开发及其与西亚、中亚、南亚的联通,是其雏形期。中国汉朝对西域的经营及张骞通西域,促成了丝绸之路正式形成和开通。古代丝绸之路能够长期存在并有效运行,有诸多推动它运行的重要因素。其一,沿途各国,主要是沿途各大国的主动开拓、经营是丝绸之路开通和维持的主导力量。其二,沿途各国对交通道路的修建,为丝绸之路的运行创造了实际的基础,是丝绸之路得以运行的最重要的条件。其三,遍布于欧亚大陆各交通要道上的大小城镇,是丝绸之路网络上的结点,是丝绸之路运行的支柱。其四,丝绸之路经营方式的灵活性、商品的互补性、开拓和维持丝路动力和目的的多样性,是丝绸之路长期存在的重要条件。当前丝绸之路经济带的构建,既是历史上丝绸之路的传承和宏扬,又为丝绸之路赋予了新的历史使命,并在完全不同的条件和环境中,在更高水平、更广领域、更深层次上使之焕发出新的青春和活力。为更好地构建丝绸之路经济带,我们应深入理解和探讨"丝绸之路经济带"的创新意涵,看到丝绸之路经济带在结构上的新特点;应在取得更多国家认同上多下功夫;应积极主动,多措并举,推动和引导丝绸之路经济带的构建;应充分发挥国内各地优势,特别是要把我国的边疆建设提高到一个新水平;应充分发挥现有国际和区域合作机制的作用,进一步完善和构建丝绸之路经济带的支撑体系。 In the history of several thousands years, the silk road gradually develops from small range to large range and from low level to high level. The initial period refers to the exploitation and development of the silk road in the west of Asia including west A s ia, south Asia and central Asia. The embryonic period refers to the exploitation of the s ilk road in Europe and its connection with west A sia, central Asia and south Asia. Han Dynasty in ancient China managed the western regions and dispatched Zhang Qian on a mission to seek an alliance with the people in the western regions against the northern trib e s, which pro-mote the formal formation and the opening of the silk road. There are many key factors to propel the exist-ence and effective operation of the ancient s ilk road. F irs t, as the dominant forces of opening and main-taining the silk road, the silk road countries, especially the great powers, actively developed and man-aged the silk road. Second, the silk road countries b u i lt the traffic roads providing the actual basis and the most important condition for the operation of the silk road. T h ird, the towns spreading a ll over the Eurasian vital communication lines are the junction of the silk road network. Fourth, the f le x ib i l ity of op-eration modes, the complementarity of commodities and the diversity of motivation and purpose to develop and maintain the silk road provide significant conditions for the existence of the silk road. The construction of the silk road economic belt not only inherits and carries forward the historical silk road but also endows the silk road with the new historical mission as well as brings new v ita lity and vigor to the silk road in the higher level, broader field and deeper level under the completely different condition and environment.
作者 杨建新
出处 《烟台大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期64-78,共15页 Journal of Yantai University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
关键词 丝绸之路 丝绸之路经济带 亚欧大陆 国际合作 the silk road the silk road economic b e lt Eurasia international cooperation
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