
星载大型柔性索网天线重力环境下的型面调试 被引量:10

Surface accuracy adjusting method of large flexible mesh spaceborne antenna on ground
摘要 大口径柔性索网天线在地面环境下重力变形较大,且变形与天线反射面的制造误差始终交织在一起从而影响天线型面精度调试。针对这一问题,文章给出了反射面各类误差的定义,提出了制造误差与天线口面向上和口面向下不同放置状态型面误差的相互关系并予以证明;通过对这些关系式的运用降低了反射面重力变形与反射面制造误差的耦合程度,为反射器在重力环境下的型面调试指明了方向;此外结合工程需求给出了索网天线型面调试的流程,在实际工作中利用该流程可以有效地减少天线翻转调整次数,提高索网天线的型面调整效率。 The deformation of large flexible mesh antenna under gravity load is remarkable and mixed with the manufacturing error, which bring tremendous troubles to the surface accuracy adjusting work. To solve the problem, firstly, the article expatiated all kinds of surface errors existing in the reflector manufacturing and working; secondly, the article provided and certified the correlations among the errors especially manufacturing error and surface errors when the reflector is put Cup-up and Cup-down. By applying those correlations, the effect on the reflector surface error bought by gravity could be decreased, which provided great advantage for surface accuracy adjusting on ground. To meet the engineering requirement, a flow chart of how the surface accuracy would be adjusted was produced. It can reduce the reversal frequency of reflector and save time during surface accuracy adjusting.
出处 《中国空间科学技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期33-37,共5页 Chinese Space Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(11290154 U1537213)
关键词 星载柔性索网天线 重力环境 型面误差 相关性 型面调试 flexible mesh spaceborne antenna on ground surface error correlation surface accuracy adjusting
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