
当代语言测评的理论阐释与实践探索1——《语言评价与测试探索:行动中的语言》介评 被引量:3

The interpretation of contemporary language assessment principles and its practical exploration——A review of Exploring Language Assessment and Testing: language in action
摘要 《语言评价与测试探索:行动中的语言》是劳特利奇应用语言学丛书之一,由Anthony Green于2014年所著。该书从语言测评的地位、目的、原则、多元测评方式以及发展现状等方面,全面阐述语言测评的基本原理,讨论将这些原理用于测评实践的方法,并提出语言测评质量控制的PRICE原则、测评循环系统、反拨效应因果模式和语言测评六阶段发展体系,为教师和测评工作者开展测评活动提供操作指南。本文介绍其主要内容,并做简评。 Anthony Green's new book Exploring Language Assessment and Testing: language in action is one of the Routledge Introductions to Applied Linguistics published in 2014. The book provides teachers and testers with practical guides by interpreting the place, purposes, principles, multiple approaches and current trends of language assessment and testing, which is designed to offer a comprehensive discussion on essential principles and their application in practice. The PRICE principles, the assessment cycle,tile causes and effects of washback, and the six phases in language assessment are put forward. This paper introduces the book and comments on its merits and demerits as well.
出处 《外语教学理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期93-97,92,共6页 Foreign Language Learning Theory And Practice
基金 教育部人文社科重点研究基地北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心2012年重大课题“高考英语考试改革研究:考试方案设计及效度论证”(DHA070148)的部分成果
关键词 《语言评价与测试探索》 内容简介 评价 Exploring Language Assessment and Testing review comments
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