
高中生的社会性科学议题解决能力及其与科学本质观的关系 被引量:8

High School Students' Problem-Solving Skills in A Socio-Scientific Issue and Its Relationships with the Belief of the Nature of Science
摘要 个体持有的科学本质观与社会性科学议题解决能力具有密切关系,但关系的性质却争论颇多,更是缺少中国被试的数据。研究调查了河南省61名高中一年级学生的社会性科学议题决策与推理的特点、持有的科学本质观。通过定性与定量相结合的分析方法,结果发现:(1)56名高中生能够基于社会、经济、生态和科技取向的证据进行非正式推理;(2)被试均能提出支持自己观点的论辩、相反观点的论辩以及反驳性论辩;(3)高中生持有一种现代的、建构主义的科学本质观;(4)高中生对科学知识的变化与暂时性特点的认同程度与他们在社会性科学议题推理中所提出的科学取向的论辩数量显著正相关。 Individuals' beliefs of the nature of science are closely related to their problem-solving skills in socio-scientific issues. But the nature of the relationships is very controversial and lack of evidence in Chinese context. Using both quantitative and qualitative research methods, the present study investigated 61 Chinese high school students' belief of the nature of science. It soning based on evidences in the could raise arguments that could lute other's views; (3) participa decision-making and reasoning on a socio-scientific issue, and students' is found that: (1) fifty-six high school students could make informal reaaspects of society, economy, ecology and science; (2) all participants support their views, that were opposite to their views and that could rents tended to identify with modern and constructive view of the nature of science; and (4) participants' identification on the changing and tentative feature of scientific knowledge was positively correlated with the number of science-oriented arguments that they proposed in their reasoning on the socio-scientific issue.
出处 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期29-38,共10页 Journal of Educational Studies
关键词 社会性科学议题 科学本质 科学教育 非正式推理 socio-scientific issue nature of science science education informal reasoning
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