目的通过粒子图像测速技术(particle image velocimetry,PIV)测试髂静脉支架植入后对髂腔静脉连接部流场的影响。方法制作髂腔静脉连接部的物理模型,利用甘油水溶液作为循环液,金属氧化颗粒作为示踪粒子,利用PIV技术对流场进行测试。结果支架植入前,双侧髂静脉分腿的液体汇入下腔静脉后主流动方向基本位于中轴线,植入左髂静脉支架并覆盖对侧的髂静脉开口后,双侧髂静脉汇合后的液体主流动方向右偏移,流速无明显降低,未见到明显的涡流产生。结论髂静脉支架植入后覆盖对侧的髂静脉开口,PIV测试未见流速明显改变及明显涡流,表明裸支架植入后完全覆盖对侧髂静脉开口对局部流场影响较小。
Objective To discuss the impact of iliac venous stent implantation upon the contralateral iliac vein detected by particle image velocimetry (PIV). Methods The iliocava junction models were in vitro constructed , The working fuid consists of glycerine and water mixed similar to human blood,and the metal oxide particles were used to be the tracer particles.PIV technology was used to study the flow fields of the iliocava junction models.Results Before the stent implantation, bilateral iliac venous blood fows converged at the inferior vena cava and the main blood fow was located at the middle axes. Then the bare stent was implanted into the left iliac vein,proximal end of the stent completely covered the opening of the right iliac vein and entered into the inferior vena cava.The direction of the main convergence fow of bilateral iliac venous fuid was signifcant shifted to the right side. Neither signifcant reduction in the velocity of bilateral iliac , venous fow nor obvious eddy current was observed. Conclusions After iliac venous stent implantation,and it's proximal end entered into the inferior vena cava, PIV revealed moderate changes in the velocity felds of the iliocava junction before and after stent implantation, suggesting that complete coverage of bare stent on the opening of contralateral iliac vein seldom affects its blood fow after stent implantation.
Chinese Journal of Interventional Radiology:electronic edition