
综采工作面装备远程控制技术进展报告 被引量:16

Equipment Remote Control Technology of Longwall Mine Face
摘要 由于矿井下综采工作面的生产环境极其恶劣,且空间局限,大部分矿井工作面温度高、湿度大、煤灰重、大功率设备多、且工况复杂。工人在工作面近距离操作,遇紧急情况时,人员没有躲避空间。另外,现场噪音、粉尘等对会工人身体174科技资讯SCIENCE&TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION健康带来损害,迫切需要将工人从高危的生产环境解放出来。因此进行综采工作面装备远程控制技术的研究对于实现煤矿安全高效生产、改善工人劳动环境、降低劳动强度都有着十分重要的现实意义。该课题研究了综采工作面装备远程控制技术,该技术的研究成功实现了煤矿综采工作面的无人跟机操作、少人值守自动化安全高效生产,实现了综采成套装备智能化控制系统核心技术的突破。该技术通过位于井下设备列车或地面调度指挥中心的监控主机及操作台,结合综采设备运行数据及工作面视频系统,对综采工作面的设备进行远程启停控制、自动化生产控制以及人工远程干预,实现在采煤生产过程中:以采煤机记忆割煤为主,人工远程干预为辅;以液压支架跟随采煤机自动动作为主,人工远程干预为辅;以综采运输设备集中自动化控制为主,就地控制为辅;以综采设备智能感知为主,视频监控为辅;即"以工作面自动控制为主,监控中心远程干预控制为辅"的工作自动化生产模式,实现"无人跟机作业,有人安全值守"的开采理念,在采煤过程中做到工作面少人甚至无人。该技术的研究成功将工人从操作工变成巡检工,由设备的自动化替代人工劳动,大大降低了工人的劳动强度,将工人从危险的工作面采场解放到相对安全的顺槽监控中心(或地面调度指挥中心),在监控中心对设备进行远程操控,提高了工人的安全系数,提高了原煤产量和煤炭资源回收率,可完全替代进口技术和产品,对我国煤矿装备制造业有着重 Because of the harsh environment and limited space in the fully mechanized work face of the coal mine, and the operator working in close distance to equipment, there isn't refuge space,in case of emergencies. In addition, the on-site noise and dust also affect workers' health. There is an urgent need to freeing workers from the production environment of the high risk. It is of great practical significance to study on remote control technology of fully mechanized equipment for coal mine safety, high efficiency production, labor environment improvement and the labor intensity of workers reduction.In this project, remote control technology of fully mechanized equipment is studied. The successful implementation of the unmanned operation technology of fully mechanized coal make the fewer people attended safe and efficient automation production realized. The breakthrough of core technologies of intelligent control system for fully mechanized coal mining equipment are reached. The monitoring hosts and the console located in underground equipment train or ground scheduling command center can remotely control the work face equipment start-stop, automation production and artificial intervention, combining fully mining equipment run data and the face video system. It is achieved that in normal production process mining machine memory cut coal is mainly performed, artificial remote intervention supplemented;the supporter following mining machine automatically action is mainly performed, artificial remote intervention supplemented.The automation control is mainly performed, local control supplemented; the mechanized equipment Intelli Sense is mainly performed, video surveillance supplemented The concept of unmanned following machine operation, man on duty for safe" is achieved, the work face is few man or unmanned in the coal mining process. The success of the technology make workers from operation workers into patrol workers, by equipment of automation alternative artificial labor, greatly reduced has workers of intens
出处 《科技资讯》 2016年第12期173-174,共2页 Science & Technology Information
关键词 综采工作面 远程控制 智能化开采 智能感知 视频监控 井下监控中心 Longwall Face remote control Intelligent mining Intelligent sensing Video monitoring The underground monitoring center
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