对一起由于单相接地故障引起的暂态过电压造成某220 kV主变跳闸的事件进行了深入研究和分析。采用PSCAD仿真软件建立暂态过电压模型。同时为了能够尽可能地体现故障前后物理过程细节,仿真工作针对一些重要的参数和情况进行分类模拟,进而得到一些重要的信息。最后通过总结故障原因,并结合系统运行情况提出了相应的建议措施。
The 220 kV main transformer breaker trip fault event caused by single-phase ground fault transient overvoltage is researched and analyzed in-depth.PSCAD simulation software is used to establish the model of the transient overvoltage.At the same time,in order to reflect the details of physical processes before and after the fault as far as possible,a classification of simulation on some important parameters and conditions is conducted,and then some important information are obtained.Finally,the causes of the problem are summarized,and preventive measures are proposed based on the operation condition.
Measurement & Control Technology