Based on open data source,continuous observation and multivariate data establishment,the big data index shows a couple of differences with traditional statistical survey index in terms of unlimited expansion of data itself,indexing and decomposition methods as well as different research approaches.In the light of big data,this paper takes the lead in trying to put forward the definition of big data index and data hypothesis,then introducing "internet big data index" into CTPI(Coal Transaction Price Index)in order to synthetically compile a big data index of coal trading in Taiyuan,which is expected to depict the changing tendency of coal price.This paper adopt EMD(Empirical Mode Decomposition)model for decomposition research of the already-made big data index coal transaction,intending to compare it with the one made through traditional statistical survey.The study shows that the big data index of coal price is more sensitive and rapid than CTPI in reflecting the changing tendency of coal price.With the increasing popularity of "Internet Plus" and Strategy of Big Data,comprehensive index based on the internet big data will affect more and more fields,becoming a barometer and indicator of economic management and all other fields of social development,gradually replacing or turning into a vital supplement of traditional statistical survey index.
Journal of Statistics and Information