外置左转车道是一种设置在直行车道外侧的特殊车道设计,现场调查高峰时段南京市4个交叉口8个外置和内置左转车道组的车头时距、周期流量、大型车比例等数据,对车道使用特性进行分析,并对内、外侧左转及邻近直行车道的饱和流率进行比较,研究结果表明:90%以上的大型车会选择外置左转车道行驶;外置左转车道的平均饱和流率为1 515 pcu/h/ln,内侧左转车道的平均饱和流率为1 501 pcu/h/ln,两者无显著性差异;直行车道的平均饱和流率为1 696 pcu/h/ln,左转修正系数为0.89。考虑到绝大多数大型车选择外置左转车道进行左转,给出大型车影响修正系数。
A kind of special outside left-turn lane design has been increasingly used in urban areas in China recently. Unlike traditional design, the special left-turn lane design establishes the left-turn lane on the right of through lanes. The data were collected at 4 signalized intersections with unconventional outside left-turn lanes. Lane usage characteristic and saturation flow rate were analyzed. Results revealed that almost 90% heavy vehicles prefer using outside lane.he observed saturation flows yielded an average saturation flow of 1 515 vehicles per hour of green per lane (vphgpl) on unconventional outside left- turn lane and 1 501 on traditional left-turn lane. The differences between inside and outside left-turn lanes are not statistically significant with 0.89 as the left-turn lane adjustment.The adjustment factor for heavy vehicles was given as most heavy vehicles prefer using unconventional outside left-turn lane.
Traffic & Transportation
Unconventional outside left-turn lane
Saturation flow rate
Lane Usage characteristic
The adjustment factor forheavy vehicles