以双低杂交油菜(Brassica campestris L.)种"德新油59"为原材料,研究叶面喷施、淋根施用两种人工富硒方式对油菜产量和含硒量的影响。结果表明,在双低油菜上进行富硒栽培有显著效果。叶面喷施硒肥方式油菜含硒量显著高于淋根施硒肥方式,在油菜初花期后喷施硒肥,能明显提高油菜硒含量。适量硒能有效促进油菜生长,提高油菜产量。
Taking the double low hybrid rape variety "Dexinyou 59"as raw material, studied the effects of two artificial selenium(Se) application methods(spraying on the leaf and root fertilization) on yield and selenium content of rape. The results showed that Se-enriched cultivation in double low rapeseed had a significant effect. The Se content of rapeseed treated by foliage spray was significantly higher than that treated by root applied Se enrichment. Spraying Se fertilizer on the leaf after theinitial flowering stage of rape could significantly improve the Se content. Moderate amount of Se can effectively promote the growth of rape and increase the production of rapeseed.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences