
金融创新时代的监管重构:“原则导向监管”探析 被引量:3

Regulatory Restructuring in the Era of Financial Innovation:An Analysis of “Principle-oriented Supervision”
摘要 金融创新高速发展的时代,金融监管肩负着风险规制与金融发展的双重任务。"原则导向监管"有足够的弹性和包容性来支持金融创新发展与试错,同时也能对金融风险保持充分的警惕性和威慑力。传统"规则导向监管"模式有必要从监管关系、监管者职责、金融机构定位等多重角度进行重构。我国互联网金融的兴起给"原则导向监管"的建立带来突破契机,同时也带来一些挑战。 Financial supervision assumes the dual task of risk regulation and financial development in the era of rapid develop- ment of financial innovation. "Principle - oriented regulation" has not only sufficient flexibility and inclusiveness to support the development of financial innovation and trial and error, but also maintain sufficient vigilance and deterrence of financial risk. Thus, the traditional rule - oriented regulatory model needs to be restructured from the perspectives of regulatory relationship, regulators' duty and the positioning of financial institutions. And the rise of Internet banking in China offers a breakthrough for the "principle -oriented regulation", and bring some challenges as well.
作者 王立
出处 《学术探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期105-111,共7页 Academic Exploration
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金重点项目(15AFX020) 浙江省哲学社会科学规划优势学科重大项目(14YSXK01ZD)
关键词 金融创新 金融监管 原则导向监管 规则导向监管 互联网金融 financial innovation financial supervision principle - oriented regulation rule - oriented regulation Internet banking
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