Objective To investigate one immunodeficiency-related vaccine-derived poliovirus( iVDPV)case in Yunfu city and take control measures to interrupt its potential circulation.Methods We conducted case investigation,immune function and polio antibody detections,monthly enterovirus isolation and poliovirus identification,active search for acute flaccid paralysis( AFP) cases from 2013 to March,2015 in county level or above hospitals,supplementary immunization activity( SIA) of oral poliovirus vaccine( OPV) and coverage assessment among children 5 years old in the local county,and enterovirus detection of stool specimens and coverage assessment of routine vaccines in close contacts and local children.Results The case,who had agammaglobulinemia,was finally classified as an iVDPV case.No AFP cases 15 years old in hospitals failed to be reported.Fourteen stool specimens were collected from the case from March 9,2015 to January 21,2016;the first 11 specimens were positive for poliovirus and the last 3 specimens were negative.Control measures continued until February 1,2016.Twelve stool specimens were collected from 4 family members and 8 close contacts 5 years old;two specimens from family members were positive for poliovirus with 3 nucleotide mutations in the isolates,and other specimens were negative.All contacts were discarded as VDPV cases.The OPV coverage in the local county reached 96.50% after SIA.A circulation of VDPV did not occur.Conclusions This case was one iVDPV case.Control measures,such as excrement disinfections,OPV SIA and AFP active search,interrupted the potential circulation of VDPV.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization