泥石流是一种严重的自然灾害。从广延能量耗散的角度看 ,泥石流暴发的应力演化过程是一种自组织临界过程。斜坡松散碎屑土触变液化系统在暴雨激发下 ,内部不同因子间的相互非线性作用 ,导致斜坡碎屑土自然地朝临界极限应力状态发展 ,最终暴发泥石流。本文以应力的自组织观点 ,分析了泥石流暴发的特性。蒋家沟泥石流的资料显示 ,泥石流规模与频率间存在着幂律关系 ,这说明泥石流活动具有自组织临界的特性。
Debris flow is a serious natural hazard . According to energy consumption in broad sense , evolution process of stress in debris flow occurrence is a process of self organization criticality .The thixotropic liquefaction system of loose gravel soil on slope causes the soil to develop naturally to limiting stress condition under triggering of rainfall and non linear interaction between different factors in the system. That debris flows are triggered at the end. This paper analyzes occurrence property of debris flow from viewpoint of stress self organization criticality .According to observational data of debris flows in Jiangjia Ravine, there is a power correlation between its magnitude and frequency , and debris flows occurrence shows a stress self organization criticality .
Journal of Natural Disasters
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 4 0 0 710 10 )
中国科学院特别支持领域山地灾害基础研究资助项目 ( 9930 3)