目的:应用频域光学相干断层扫描(spectral-domain optical coherence tomography,SD-OCT)纵向比较正常人群、青光眼进展及非进展人群的视网膜神经纤维层(retinal nerve fiber layer,RNFL)厚度。方法:应用SD-OCT对36例POAG患者和24例正常人监测RNFL厚度。受试者行视盘OCT、眼底照相及视野检查,每6mo一次,随访2a,至少有4次可信的OCT检查结果。根据视野及眼底照相结果将POAG患者划分为进展组和非进展组。分析各组RNFL厚度变化差异,同视野参数变化值做相关性分析。结果:平均随访2.1±0.3a。17例被确定为POAG进展组。POAG进展组平均RNFL厚度损失速率明显高于POAG非进展组(2.46μm/a vs 1.21μm/a,P<0.001)。下方RNFL厚度变化同视野平均偏差(mean deviation,MD)变化相关性最佳(r=0.423,P=0.03)。结论:应用SD-OCT纵向监测RNFL厚度,POAG进展者RNFL厚度丢失速率明显增高,下方RNFL厚度参数变化可能在监测中意义较大。
AIM: To compare the loss of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer( RNFL) thickness m easurem ents by spectral-dom ain optical coherence tom ography( SD-OCT) in healthy individuals and glaucom a patients with or without progression.METHODS: A total of 60 eyes, comprising 36 glaucom atous eyes with prim ary open angle glaucom a( POAG) and 24 healthy controls,were included in the study over a 2-year period. All eyes underwent at least 4serial RNFL m easurem ents perform ed by Cirrus OCT every half a year over a period of 2a. Visual field( VF)testing was perform ed by using the Swedish interactive threshold algorithm( SITA) Standard 30-2 program of the Hum phrey field analyzer within the sam e week as the optic disc / RNFL photography. By m asked com parative analysis of VF test results and optic disc / RNFL photographs, the eyes were classified into non-progressive and progressive glaucom a cases.Longitudinal loss of RNFL thickness was com pared.RESULTS: The mean follow-up time was 2. 1 ± 0. 3a.Seventeen from 36 subjects were identified as progressors. Mean rates of change in average RNFL thickness were significantly higher for progressors com pared with nonprogressors( 2. 46μ m / a vs. 1. 21μ m / a;P〈 0. 001). Inferior quadrant RNFL thickness were significantly correlated with MD reduction in glaucom a eyes with progression( r = 0. 423,P= 0. 03).CONCLUSION: Longitudinal measurements of RNFL thickness using SD-OCT showa pronounced reduction in patients with progression com pared with patients without progression. Inferior RNFL thickness param eters might be more important in discrim inating eyes with progressive glaucom atous optic nerve damage.
International Eye Science