
新疆艾比湖鹅喉羚mtDNA D-Loop区序列多态性研究 被引量:1

Genetic Diversity of Gazella subgutturosa Based on Mitochondrial DNA D-Loop Sequence in Xinjiang Ebinur Lake
摘要 为探讨新疆艾比湖鹅喉羚(Gazella subgutturosa)遗传多样性和遗传背景,本试验对艾比湖鹅喉羚35份粪便样本进行了研究,采用非损伤性DNA分析技术,扩增其mtDNA D-Loop区878bp片段序列,测序结果进行GenBank数据库的BLAST比对及Clustal W和DNASP软件分析。结果表明,成功扩增出以上片段序列,共检测到55个多态性位点,其中未发现缺失、插入现象;发现15个变异位点,包括14个转换位点、1个颠换位点。A、T、C、G含量分别为28.03%、31.57%、24.84%、15.56%,A+T的含量(59.6%)高于C+G含量(40.4%),具有明显的碱基组成偏向性。除此之外共测到16种单倍型,单倍型多态性(h)为0.886±0.037,核苷酸多态性(π)为0.037±0.01528。表明中国新疆艾比湖国家级自然保护区鹅喉羚mtDNA D-Loop区序列存在丰富的多态性。 To investigate the genetic diversity and genetic data of Gazella subgutturosa from Xinjiang Ebinur lake National Wetland Nature Reserves,the Ebinur lake goose antelope 35 feces samples were analyzed.Using noninvasive DNA technology,the mitochondrial DNA D-Loop 878 bp fragment was successfully amplified.Sequences results for GenBank database BLAST comparison and Clustal W and DNASP software analysis.The results showed that the sequences of the above fragments were successfully amplified,total 55 polymorphic loci were detected,which were not found insert and deficiency.This study found 15 variable sites,including 14 transversion sites and 1 top transposition.The average A,T,C and G contents in D-Loop were 28.03%,31.57%,24.84% and 15.56%,respectively.The contents of A+ T (59.6%) were higher than G+ C (40.4%).In addition,a total of 16 mtDNA haploid type were detected,haploid type polymorphism (h) was 0.886 ±0.037,nucleotide diversity degree (π) was 0.037±0.01528.The results showed that Ebinur lake Gazelle subgutturosa maintained high variation in mitochondrial D-Loop sequences.
出处 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第5期1316-1322,共7页 China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31360266) 中华人民共和国全球环境基金艾比湖流域可持续管理与生物多样性保护项目(zx-3-1)
关键词 艾比湖 鹅喉羚 种群数量 MTDNA D-LOOP 遗传多样性 Ebinur lake Gazelle subgutturosa populations mtDNA D-Loop genetic diversity
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