依据北京地方标准DB11/964-2013规定的WHTC试验规程,基于全流型定容稀释采样系统对配备有SCR后处理装置的柴油机运行了WHTC试验循环,考察了SCR柴油机运行WHTC冷启动和热启动循环的排放特性差异及其原因。试验结果表明:相比于WHTC热启动试验循环,冷启动试验循环的前600 s机油温度、冷却液温度、后处理入口排气温度和中冷后温度明显较低;冷启动试验循环的NOX、CO和CO_2排放量要显著高于热启动试验循环,二者的THC排放均较低且相差不大,PM排放无明显差异;WHTC循环对发动机后处理的性能提出了更加苛刻的要求。
Based on WHTC test procedure defined by Beijing regional legislation, DB11/964-2013,coldstart and hotstart WHTC test cycles were conducted with a diesel engine which was equipped with a SCR aftertreatment, then the emission differences of the two phases and the reasons were studied. The results show that, compared with hotstart WHTC cycle, temperatures of intake air after cooler, oil, cooling water, and exhaust before SCR were much lower during the first 600 s of coldstart WHTC cycle. NO_x, CO2 and CO emissions of coldstart WHTC cycle were much higher than hotstart WHTC cycle. For both cycles,TCH and PM emissions were almost the same.
Small Internal Combustion Engine and Vehicle Technique