目的计算2014年四川省居民肝癌、糖尿病、脑出血、慢性阻塞性肺疾病(CPOD)、脑梗死、风湿性心脏病、乳腺癌、肺癌、结直肠癌、食管癌、道路交通事故、自杀等20种疾病的死亡率及疾病负担,以评价疾病对社会及人群所致危害程度的大小。方法采用减寿年数(potential years of life lost,PYLL)指标作为反映疾病负担的量化指标,分析PYLL的性别分布和城乡分布。结果前5位死亡率依次是COPD、脑出血、缺血性心脏病、肺癌和肝癌,而每千人均的PLYY损失前5位是肝癌、肺癌、脑出血、道路交通事故和COPD;虽然肝癌和道路交通事故的死亡率不是很高,居第5位(死亡率为29.93/10万)和第10位(死亡率为12.31/10万),但是带来的疾病负担较重,分别居第1位(每千人均损失4.12个PLYY)和第4位(每千人均损失3.32个PLYY);男性人群中疾病负担前3位疾病分别是肝癌、肺癌和脑出血,女性人群疾病负担前3位是脑出血、肺癌和COPD;城市疾病负担严重的前3位是肺癌、肝癌和道路交通事故,农村前3位是脑出血、肝癌和肺癌。结论慢性病是四川省居民的主要死因,恶性肿瘤已经成为影响人们健康的头号杀手,道路交通事故造成的影响不容忽视,尤其是城市人群,艾滋病对农村的影响高于城市。
Objective To assess the harm to society and people, and calculate the mortality rate and the burden of disease of liver cancer, diabetes, cerebral hemorrhage and other 20 kinds of disease of Sichuan residents in 2014. Methods Potential years of life lost (PYLL) was adopted as the quantitative indicators to calculate the burden of disease and analyze the gender and area distribution. Results The leading five mortality rates were COPD, cerebral hemorrhage, ischemic heart disease, lung cancer and liver cancer, while in PYLL loss per thousand they were liver cancer, lung cancer, cerebral hemorrhage, road traffic accidents and COPD. Although the mortality rate of liver cancer and road traffic accidents was not very high (ranking fifth and tenth, respectively), it bring a heavier disease burden, ranking first and fourth. The leading three PYLL loss per thousand in male were liver cancer, lung cancer and cerebral hemorrhage while in female they were cerebral hemorrhage, lung cancer and COPD. The leading three PYLL loss per thousand in city were lung cancer, liver cancer and road traffic accidents while in countryside they were cerebral hemorrhage, liver cancer, and lung cancer. Conclusion Chronic diseases are the main cause of death in Sichuan, and the malignant cancer has been the first killer affecting people's health. cidents should not be ignored, While the road traffic acespecially in urban, and the impact of AIDS on rural is more than that in urban.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
chronic non - communicable disease
the burden of disease
potential years of life lost