
地缘政治视角下的美俄北极关系研究 被引量:8

Study of the US-Russian Relationship over the Arctic Region from a Geopolitical Perspective
摘要 在地缘政治视角下,北极地区一直是美俄两个大国进行战略博弈的舞台。纵观20世纪,美俄北极关系经历了从冷战时期的剑拔弩张到冷战结束后竞争与合作并存的转变。21世纪以来,北极地区的快速变化使其战略价值不断提升,美俄两国出于各自的利益考量,都在北极展开了积极的战略部署。乌克兰危机发生之后,陷入"新冷战"格局的美、俄更加重视对北极地区的争夺,两国的北极关系日趋紧张。美俄北极关系不仅是其双边关系的重要组成部分,而且是影响北极乃至世界地缘政治格局的重要因素,应予以密切关注。 From the geopolitical perspective,the Arctic region has been the stage on which the strategic game between the US and Russia has been playing. In the 20 th century, the US-Russian relationship over the Arctic Region underwent a change from confrontation during the Cold War period to competition and cooperation in the post-Cold War era. Since the beginning of the 21 st century, fast changes in the Arctic region have made its strategic importance rise continuously. Out of their respective interest consideration, the US and Russia have begun their active strategic deployment in the Arctic region. After the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis, the US and Russia, caught in the 'New Cold War' pattern, have laid much more stress on the contention for the Arctic region, making their relationship over the Arctic region tense. The USRussian relationship over the Arctic region is not only a part of their overall relationship, but also an important factor that affects the geopolitical pattern of the Arctic region and even that of the world, which should be followed closely.
出处 《和平与发展》 CSSCI 2016年第2期102-114,119,共13页 Peace and Development
基金 国家社科基金一般项目"北极治理新态势与中国应对策略研究"(项目编号:15BGJ058) 国家社科基金重点项目"国际法视角下的中国北极航线战略研究"(项目编号:13AZD084)的阶段性成果
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