
民主与效率视角下的印第安部落自治--以美国印第安S部落为例 被引量:1

A Study of the American Indian Tribal Self-Governance from the View of Democracy and Efficiency:Taking S Tribe for Example
摘要 美国西北海岸的S部落民主传统悠久,自20世纪70年代中期开始了持续有效的自治。作者通过对S部落政府为期两年的田野调查,以现代行政理念中相互具有张力的民主、效率价值作为研究视角,深入研究了其自治体制的权力架构与运转机制。S部落通过三级权力机构(全体成员大会、管理委员会和专门委员会)及相关运行机制建立了现代政治较为规范的治理体制,其在追求民主与效率的过程中也展现出独特的经验并遭遇挑战。总体上,深受传统部落社会文化影响的自治体制表现为更偏重对民主的追求而削弱了对效率的重视,但实际上二者都需要进一步的提高与完善。 S tribe,a tribe of American Indian,inhabited in the northwest United States,has a long history of the democratic tradition and been effectively improving their self-governance model since the late 1970 s,This paper,built upon a two-year field study,conducted an in-depth analysis of the power structure and operation mechanism of S tribe's self-governance system through the intense values of democracy and efficiency from the modern administration concept.The unique strengths of this self-governance model and challenges it faces were also discovered after a comprehensive analysis on its three levels of power institutions:General Council,Management Council and the special Councils.In general,it can be concluded that S tribe's self-governance model pays greater emphasis on democracy than efficiency due to the influence of the tribal traditional culture,yet improvements need to be made on both areas.
作者 范薇
出处 《民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期17-28,123,共12页 Ethno-National Studies
基金 教育部留学基金委“建设高水平大学”公派留学生项目(项目编号:201206180110)的中期成果
关键词 印第安保留地 部落自治 部落政府 民主 效率 Indian reservation tribal self-governance tribal government democracy efficiency
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