建筑能耗优化是将建筑能耗模拟和优化技术集成的产物。选择合适的优化工具对于建筑能耗模拟优化工具的开发、实现和应用均有重大的影响。利用将EnergyPlus和Dakota集成的方法,对一栋两层办公建筑进行参数化分析,得到所有方案的能耗和增量成本,并分析该方法在围护结构热工权衡计算时的优势。结果表明集成Energy Plus和Dakota的技术虽然难度较高,但可帮助用户快速找到最优的方案。
Building energy optimization technology is the result of integration of energy simulation and optimization technology. Choosing suitable optimization tools has great impact on the building energy optimization tool's development, realization and application. Using the methodology of integration of Dakota and energyplus which is the integrated optimization tool, one two story office building's energy is simulated along with parametric analysis obtaining the energy and incremental costs of different proposal designs. The advantage of this method used to conduct building envelop tradeoff calculation is analyzed. Results show that the integration method of EnergyPlus and Dakota is technical challenging, but can help users find out the optimal proposal building design.
Building Technology Development