背景:麻醉是动物实验对动物采取的保护措施,但相应麻醉药物的使用会对实验结果产生不同程度的影响。目的:分析清醒与麻醉状态下,冠状动脉狭窄心肌缺血模型犬的各项指标差异及治疗效果。方法:将20只Beagle犬分5组,每组4只,按照完全正交拉丁方安排进行实验,按照不同的步骤进行依次干预,干预步骤包括正常观察(正常对照10 min后观察30 min)、清醒模型(正常对照后狭窄冠状动脉10 min,再观察30 min)、清醒治疗(正常对照后狭窄冠状动脉10 min,舌下含服50μg/kg硝酸甘油,观察30 min)、麻醉模型(对动物进行麻醉,正常对照后狭窄冠状动脉10 min,再观察30 min)、麻醉治疗(对动物进行麻醉,正常对照后狭窄冠状动脉10 min,舌下含服50μg/kg硝酸甘油,观察30 min)。记录清醒状态下冠状动脉狭窄后,犬心电、血压、心率和体温水平,以及心肌缺血犬清醒与麻醉状态下的平均动脉压、体温、心率、心电图ST段变化,观察硝酸甘油对心肌缺血犬清醒与麻醉状态下的治疗效果。结果与结论:冠状动脉狭窄后,清醒犬心电、血压、心率和体温均发生一定改变,其中心电图ST段出现显著上升情况。心肌缺血模型犬麻醉状态下的血压、心率明显高于清醒状态(P<0.05),麻醉与清醒状态下犬的心电图ST段均出现明显上升。经硝酸甘油治疗,清醒状态下的心肌缺血模型犬起效较快。说明清醒状态下的心肌缺血模型与临床拟合度更高,可以最大限度减少麻醉等对实验结果产生的影响。
BACKGROUND: Anesthesia is a protective measure to animals in animal experiments, but the use of the corresponding anesthetic drugs will have different effects on the experimental results. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the differences of various indexes and the therapeutic effect of myocardial ischemia canine model of coronary stenosis under the condition of consciousness and anesthesia. METHODS: Twenty Beagle canine myocardial ischemia models were equally assigned to five groups, and prepared according to the complete orthogonal Latin square arrangement for the experiment. Intervention procedures included the normal observation(normal control for 10 minutes, observation for 30 minues), conscious model(after normal control, coronary artery stenosis for 10 minutes, and observation for 30 minutes), conscious treatment(after normal control, coronary artery stenosis for 10 minutes, 50 μg/kg nitroglycerin sublingually buccal, and observation for 30 minutes), anesthesia model(animals received anesthesia; after normal control, coronary artery stenosis for 10 minutes, and observation for 30 minutes), anesthesia treatment(animals received anesthesia; after normal control, coronary artery stenosis for 10 minutes, 50 μg/kg nitroglycerin sublingually buccal, and observation for 30 minutes). We recorded canine electrocardiogram, blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature level when animals were conscious after coronary artery stenosis, and mean arterial blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, electrocardiogram ST segment changes in conscious and anesthetic states in myocardial ischemia dogs, and observed the therapeutic effect of nitroglycerin on conscious and anesthetic states in myocardial ischemia dogs. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The electrocardiogram, blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature were changed after the coronary artery stenosis in conscious dogs, and the ST segment of electrocardiogram was significantly increased. The blood pressure and heart rate were significantly higher th
Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research