
早中熟蟠桃新品种‘沪蟠1号’的选育 被引量:4

A new early-mid ripening flat peach cultivar ‘Hupan 1'
摘要 ‘沪蟠1号’是由‘大团蜜露’ב玉露蟠桃’杂交选育出的早中熟蟠桃新品种。果实形状扁平,果皮底色为白色,果面着50%-75%的红色,果面茸毛中,果肉白色,肉质疏松,风味甜,香气中;平均单果质量128—146g,最大单果质量263g,果形指数0.54-0.60。可溶性固形物含量12.8-14.3%,硬度5.58kg.cm^-2,品质上。果实生育期93~103d,在上海地区(东经120°52′~122°12′,北纬30°40′~31°53′)7月上旬成熟。萌芽率中,成枝力中。花为蔷薇型,无花粉。抗逆性、抗病性中。货架期5d,冷藏20d。适合上海及周边地区栽培,第3年开花结果,丰产性中。 ' Hupan 1' is an early-mid ripening fiat peach with excellent appearance. The seeding was derived from a cross between 'Datuanmilu' and 'Yulupantao' in 1999 at experimental field. It was initially selected in 2005 for its large size and good taste. After regional adaptability testing at three sites (including Lvxiang of Jinshan, Chongming, Fengjing of Jinshan) over seven years from 2009 to 2015, it was finally selected in 2015. This species is a tall tree, attaining a height of 3 m, the tree is vigorous with ramose crown and open tree gesture. Leaf is elliptic, acuminate and sharply serrated, with size of 17.93 cm length and 4.40 cm width. Flower is pink, pedicel villous and sterility. Fruit is mainly fiat, has whitish-red peel. Its flesh is white, rich juice, fine texture and aroma. The average fruit weight is 128-146 g, and maximum fruit weight is 263 g. Fruit shape index is about 0.54-0.60. The content of soluble solid is 12.8%-14.3%, hardness is 5.58 kg. cm-2, and fruit quality is excellent. The fruit development period is 93-103 d and it matures at the beginning July in Shanghai area. The number of inflorescence, proportion of fruit branches, germination rate and branching ability of this cultivar are generally high. It is resistant to drought and anthracnose. The fruit has short storage-life, cold storage life is 20 days and shelf life is 5 days, after storage the fruit aroma is quite strong. Suitable cultivation area is around Shanghai, this cuhivar can bear fruits three years after planted, has a high yield potential. Orchard should choose neutral sandy soil which is fiat and has ability of moisture and fertilizer retention. Spacing in the rows and spacing between rows are 4 m× 5 m. The configuration of pollinizer is pollen from fertility peach or nectarine. Pruning bending and back spune, aiming at controlling tree size and maintaining tree vigor.
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期901-904,共4页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 上海市科技兴农重点攻关项目(沪农科攻字(2012)第1-3号) 上海市果业产业技术体系建设专项(沪农科产字(2014)第7号)
关键词 蟠桃 新品种 '沪蟠1号’ Flat peach New cultivar ‘ Hupan 1’
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