为了得到山地城市道路长上坡路段汽车行驶噪声的幅值水平和影响因素,在重庆市主城的长大上坡路段上采集了汽车行驶噪声值,分析了车型、横向间距(距路缘线之间的距离)、坡长、驾驶行为等因素对噪声的影响。结果表明:夜间的交通噪声水平与日间相比并没有出现大幅度的衰减;汽车行驶噪声随着传播距离的增加而逐渐衰减,每增加5 m,噪声均值要衰减约3 d B左右,距离路侧5 m时,噪声值会降到重度污染的阈值以下;距路侧10 m时则会进一步降到中度污染水平以下;小轿车噪声均值要比公交车低10 d B;驾驶员有冲坡习惯时坡底第二个测试断面的噪声值会显著增加,驾驶员在到达坡顶之前也会再次加速冲坡,导致坡顶的噪声值显著增加;在大型车数量相当的情况下,路段的坡度值越高,噪声值越大。
To obtain the amplitude level and influencing factors of traffic noise on long uphill in mountain cities,noise of cars and large buses collected on long uphill in the famous mountainous city,Chongqing. Factors of vehicle types,lateral spacing( from the roadway edge line to the measurement point),length of uphill and driver behavior on traffic was analyzed,the results showed that: firstly,there is no substantial difference in traffic noise levels between night and daytime. Secondly,traffic noise will decreases as propagation distance; an increase of 5 m in propagation distance will lead to an increase of 3 d B in noise; when 10 m from the roadside,the noise amplitude will fall to the threshold value of heavily polluted,and when 10 m from the roadside,the noise amplitude will be further reduced to moderate pollution levels. Thirdly,the average noise of car is lower than bus of 10 d B. Fourthly,drivers who prefer to speed up at bottom of the uphill will lead an increase in noise at the second measurement point;and the driver offen accelerate before reaching the top of the hill slope again,resulting in a significant increase in the noise level. Fifthly,in the case of a very small number of large vehicles,the larger the gradient,the greater the noise amplitude.
Science Technology and Engineering
重庆市科技计划项目(cstc2014jcyj A30024)
road in mountainous city
uphill road segment
noise pollution
traffic noise