

Stability and Bifurcation Researches for an Epidemic Model with Nonlinear Incidence and Mass Media
摘要 文章研究了一类带有非线性发生率和大众媒体影响的传染病模型,结果表明该模型存在两个平衡点,即无病平衡点和地方病平衡点.对平衡点的稳定性进行了研究,并讨论了分支的存在性. In this paper, an epidemic model with nonlinear incidence and mass media is investigated. It is shown that the model exhibits two equilibrium, namely, disease-free equilibrium and endemic equilibrium. The stability of equilibria and the existence of bifurcation are studied.
出处 《杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2016年第3期294-300,共7页 Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(11302002) 安徽省高校优秀青年人才基金重点项目(2011SQRL022ZD)
关键词 传染病模型 大众媒体 平衡点 稳定性 分支 epidemic model mass media equilibrium stability bifurcation.
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