

Analysis of Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2015
摘要 2015年5月美国国防部发布的《涉华军事与安全发展报告》对中国的军事现代化进程进行了全面的分析,包括中国的安全发展战略,军事现代化目标与进程,军事现代化的资源,台海安全局势以及中美两军交流等。本文对其进行了系统的文本分析,指出美国对华战略的稳定性、灵活性与两面性特点,分析了背后的动因,即美国作为世界霸主所特有的焦虑感与美国自建国以来对外政策中的理想主义与现实主义传统因素,并表明了我们应该持有的理性批判的态度。 The Department of Defense of the United States released annual report Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2015 on May 8th,2015,which did an overall analysis of China's military modernization,including China's peaceful development strategy,military moderation goals and progress,modern military resources,the security situation in the Taiwan Strait,and U. S.- China military- to-military contacts,etc. After a systematic analysis of this report,this paper first puts forward the characteristics of American strategy to China like stability,inflexibility and duality; and then explores the relevant reasons such as the American unique anxiety as a world hegemony and the traditional factors like the idealism and realism of American foreign policies; finally shows that Chinese people should hold the rational and critical attitude towards this report.
作者 孟奇
出处 《江苏第二师范学院学报》 2016年第3期31-36,124,共6页 Journal of Jiangsu Second Normal University
关键词 美国国防部 《涉华军事与安全发展报告》 军事现代化 军事战略 中美关系 U S Department of Defense Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China military modernization military strategy China-U S relations
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