沙眼衣原体(chlamydia trachomatis,CT)是目前国内外最常见的性病病原体,其与多种疾病关系密切。成年人感染后大多临床症状轻,病情隐匿,迁延难愈。由于缺乏妊娠期常规筛查手段,新生儿和婴幼儿均具有感染CT的高风险。母亲孕期感染后多无明显症状,如不及时治疗,不但可造成不孕、异位妊娠、早产、流产、死胎等,还可在孕期或分娩时造成胎儿感染,且分娩后又可通过密切接触传播给婴儿。CT感染主要引起新生儿包涵体结膜炎、婴儿肺炎,部分CT的原体可通过泪腺进入鼻咽部及下呼吸道,从而延至生后6周~6个月发生慢性肺部炎症。本文主要讨论婴儿CT感染的生物学特征、流行病学特征,及其所致疾病包括新生儿包涵体结膜炎、婴幼儿肺炎、阴道炎和中耳炎的临床表现、诊断和治疗等。这些感染部位的炎症都是来自感染CT的孕妇,即为母婴之间的垂直感染。但不包括水平的间接感染,亦不包括由CT的A,B,C型引起的包涵体结膜炎,也不包括肺炎衣原体引起的肺炎。
Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) is the most common sexually transmitted pathogens which is closely related to various diseases. The clinical symptoms of CT infection is moderate, sometimes occult, but persistent. As no routine screening is performed during pregnancy, neonates and infants are at high risk for CT infection. It can cause not only infertility, ectopic pregnancy, premature birth, miscarriage, stillbirth, etc. , but also infection of the fetus during pregnancy or childbirth, and can be transmitted through close contact to baby after childbirth if no prompt treatments were accepted due to no obvious symptoms of infection during pregnancy. CT infection mainly causes neonatal inclusion conjunctivitis and infant pneumonia. Part of the CT elementary body can enter the nose pharynx and lower respiratory tract through the lacrimal gland, which may leads to chronic pulmonary inflammation after 6 weeks to 6 months. This chapter focuses on the biological characteristics, epidemiological characteristics and related diseases including neonatal inclusion conjunctivitis, infantile pneumonia, vaginitis and otitis media of CT infection in baby. These parts of the inflammation are from the infection of CT of pregnant women, that is, the vertical infection between mother and infant. But it does not include the indirect infection, nor the inclusion conjunctivitis caused by type A, B or C of CT, and does not include Pneumonia caused by Chlamydia pneumoniae.
China Medical Abstracts(Dermatology)