目的了解高校学生的用药情况,分析高校学生用药知识的掌握和用药行为的特点,评价用药教育的效果。方法自制调查问卷,不记名分组调查,SPSS 13.0统计软件分析。结果医学类与非医学类入学新生的用药知识匮乏,用药行为不良率高,医学类毕业生和经用药教育后的非医学类学生用药知识的掌握程度得到了的提升,用药行为得到了纠正。结论高校开设用药教育课程,对促进学生合理用药、提高学生合理用药能力作用明显,应大力提倡。
OBJECTIVE This paper aims to understand the situation of drug use of college students,analyze the mastery of medication knowledge and the characteristics of medication behavior of college students furtherly so that evaluate the effect of medication education. METHODS The author adopted the self-made questionnaire in form of the anonymous group investigation with the SPSS 13. 0 statistical software. RESULTS The investigation showed that both the medical and non-medical freshmen had an extreme lack of medical knowledge as well as a high defective ratio of medical behavior. After medical education,the non-medical students and the medical graduates both had got a clear promotion in terms of the mastery of medical knowledge; meanwhile the medical behavior was corrected. CONCLUSION The author deems that medical education curriculum should be strongly advocated among the colleges and universities,which plays a significant part in the encouragement of rational drug use and the promotion of capability in rational drug use among the college students.
Strait Pharmaceutical Journal
Medical education
College students
Medical knowledge
Medical behavior