
论前合同损害赔偿中的期待利益 基于动态缔约过程观的分析 被引量:21

On the Expectation Interest in the Pre-contractual Compensation Analysis Based on the Perspective of Dynamic Process of Conclusion of Contract
摘要 合同缔结是一个动态的发展过程,当事人的信赖程度随着缔约接触的密切化而逐步增强。只要当事入自愿达成了关于合同内容的合意,私法自治原则的贯彻就要求推定合同的约束效果,除非存在阻碍此种效果的情况。除当事人的合意外,法律有关合同效力要件的规定具有多种规范目标,由于立法的疏漏,可能存在无效规定违反规范目的或无效率的问题。因此,通过司法途径缓和无效(或不生效)合同的法律效果,承认真实合意在满足全部生效要件前也能创设期待利益,尤其在因一方可归责原因造成效力要件未获满足时对受害人准予期待利益赔偿,在利益权衡上堪称妥当。通过类型建构或赔偿标准的考虑因素确定,则能够避免对法律适用安定性的不当损害。 The conclusion of contract is a dynamic process of development, the degree of reliance of parties gradually increased as the result of the way of bargaining in an increasi long as the parties voluntarily reached the consensus with respect to the contents ng of ly closed manner. As e contract, the im plementation of the principle of private autonomy should follow the presumption of the binding effect of contract, unless there are situations rebutting such presumption. There are various underlying normative purposes attached to the requirements for a valid contract, other than the requirement of a valid consent between the parties. Due to legislative oversight, there may have been situations where the legislative provisions with respect to void contract conflicting with the aforesaid normative purposes or with the problem of lack of efficiency. Therefore, a proper balance of interest is needed to ease the legal conse- quences of void (or invalid) contracts through judicial means, to recognize the position that a genuine consensus alone also creates the expectation interest even without the full satisfaction of all the other va- lidity requirements, and to grant the victim the right to claim for the compensation of the expectation in terest, especially where the absence or defect in the validity requirements of the contract can be imputed to the counterparty. Through determination of the taxonomy and the factors of compensation, it can avoid improper damage to the stability of the application of law
作者 张家勇
机构地区 四川大学法学院
出处 《中外法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期646-661,共16页 Peking University Law Journal
基金 教育部一般项目"民法典编纂视野下统一民事责任制度的建构(15YJA820039)"的阶段性成果
关键词 前合同损害赔偿 信赖原理 期待利益 信赖利益 Pre--contractual Compensation Doctrine of Reliance Expectation Interest Reliance In terest
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