加强科技成果转化是时代赋予高校的历史责任 ,一般地方高校在技术创新、科技成果转化和产业化方面尚处于起步和探索阶段。为了适应新形势 ,迎接新挑战 ,地方一般高校必须明确和突出创新战略 。
The times and situation require that colleges reinforce their scientific and technological achievements, especially the local ordinary colleges which are still in their beginning and exploring stages in scientific and technological achievements. In order to adjust themselves to the new situation, and to meet the new challenges, the local ordinary colleges must clarify and highlight the strategies of bringing forth the new ideas, and also do a good job of some critical sectors and factors of the transformation of the scientific and technological achievements.
Journal of Yancheng Institute of Technology(Social Science Edition)