
晚清汉宋兼采思潮中的《论语》诠释——以《论语后案》对《论语集注》的吸收与批评为例 被引量:3

The Interpretation ofthe Analects in the Ideological Trend of Taking in Both the Han School and the Song School in the Late Qing Dynasty: A Case Study Concerning how Annotation on the Analects Absorbed from and Criticized Variorum for the Analects
摘要 黄式三是晚清汉宋兼采思潮中的代表人物。其《论语后案》"不分汉宋",于朱熹《论语集注》甚为措意,既肯定了朱熹论"学"的思想倾向、贬斥异端的学派主张,又对朱熹的天理观、人性论、道德论等方面加以批评与修正。《论语后案》对《论语集注》的吸收与批评,既体现了黄式三对宋学的"依违"之态,折射了黄式三通过诠释义理概念以"重构"新学术体系的思想主张,亦可展现汉宋兼采学术理念在《论语》诠释中的具体落实,成为研究汉宋兼采学术思潮演进的鲜活个案。 Huang Shisan (黄式三) was a representative scholar in the ideological trend of combining the Han School (汉学) and the Song School (宋学) in the late Qing Dynasty. Huang Shisan's Annotation on the Analects (《论语后案》) was irrespective of the controversy between the Han School and the Song School. Huang…… book not only affirmed Zhu Xi' s (朱熹) ideological trend on the study of Confucian classics (学) and advocated his academic proposition against heresies, which were presented in his Variorum for the Analects (《论语集注》), but also criticized and revised Zhu Xi's theory of heavenly principle (天理观), theory of human nature (人性论) and theory of morality(道德论). In his Annotation on the Analects, Huang Shisan's absorption from and criticism of Zhu Xi's Variorum for the Analects, manifested his dialectical attitude towards the Song School and reflected his ideological proposition for" reconstructing" a new academic system by annotating the concepts of Confucian classics. At the same time, his absorption and criticism also showed how the academic idea of taking in both the Han School and the Song School had been put into practice, thus providing a vivid example for the study of the evolution of the ideological trend of taking in both the Han School and the Song School.
作者 肖永明 陈峰
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期32-42,共11页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金重大项目<中国"四书"学史>(项目批准号:13&ZD060)
关键词 汉宋兼采 黄式三 朱熹 《论语后案》 《论语集注》 ideological trend of taking in both the Han School and the Song School, Huang Shisan (黄式三), Zhu Xi (朱熹), Annotation on the Analects (《论语后案》), Variorum for the Analects (《论语集注》)
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