

Peaceful Democratic Transition in Ethnically Divided Societies:The Case of South Africa
摘要 民主化研究中较为普遍的看法是,由于族际信任与包容的缺失、国家权力的族群化、族群性政党的形成以及族群冲突的重新激活,族群分裂社会很难实现平稳民主转型。然而,作为一个曾因种族矛盾走向内战边缘的国家,南非从种族对抗到民族和解的转型奇迹对这种看法提出了挑战。分析发现,政治精英的理性引导,渐进的转型速度,转型过程中各方的参与,武装力量的有效整合,新政治契约的达成,转型正义的实现,以及理性的制度设计是南非避免大规模政治冲突,实现和平转型的内在逻辑,也是其他族群分裂社会走出转型陷阱的他山之石和路径借鉴。 Peaceful democratic transition in ethnically divided societies will be challenged by a numbers of factors which include the lack of trust among ethnic groups, the monopoly of state power by a single ethnic group, ethnical political parties and possible ethnical conflicts precipitated by the breakdown of authoritarian regimes. However, the peaceful transition from apartheid to democracy of South Africa shows that, even though it is rather demanding, peaceful democratic transition in divided societies is not impossible. If all political actors have access for bargaining for new political rules which determines the allocation of power in the future during an open and gradual transition, a democracy agreed by all will take shape. The miracle of South Africa transition has valuable lessons for other countries suffering from ethnic conflict on one hand, and broadens the theoretical horizon of democratization study on the other.
作者 马正义 Ma Zhengyi
出处 《比较政治学研究》 CSSCI 2018年第1期221-243,267,共24页 Comparative Politics Studies
基金 2017年度教育部人文社科基金青年项目“台湾地区民主治理模式与绩效研究”(项目编号:17YJC810014) 2013年国家社科基金项目“世界发展中国家民主化道路比较研究”(项目编号:13BZZ014)的阶段性成果
关键词 族群分裂 转型困境 南非案例 经验启示 Ethnical Division Transition Dilemmas South Africa Lessons and Implications
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